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Shoutout: "Amaranth Angels" by Yakov Merkin

Amaranth Angels, sexy anime girls in bodysuits, sci-fi, manga

This is the start of a new series of articles I will call Shoutouts. This is where I will highlight and promote anything I like, be it a book, a story, an author, or anything else. Today I will highlight a new manga called Amaranth Angels.

It was written by Yakov Merkin, the author of the Galaxy Ascendant series. It was illustrated by Philip San Gaspar aka kishir0, who also did the art for Yakov's previous manga Light Unto Another World. It tells the story of Saya Nishizawa, an immensely talented starfighter pilot. She was a member of the Amaranth Angels performance squadron alongside her sister Kurenai. But then her sister perished in an accident and she left the squad soon after. She tried to start a new life in a space station on the edge of the solar system, but fate forced her back into her old squad after an attack from an unknown alien force.

The Kickstarter for Volume 1 is live as of August 22, 2023. If you're interested, feel free to pledge to it. If you like it, then share it with your friends.


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